Field Experience

Like all Teacher Education programs, field experience is at the core of the FLTE curriculum.

Teacher candidates undergo two types of field experience: 

  • Early Field Experiences (EFE) during the first two semesters of the program
    • EFE hours provide teacher candidates with the opportunity to gain knowledge and acquire skills in lesson and unit planning, instructional methods, assessment/evaluation, and interacting with students and the greater school community in advance of Student Teaching. Observing the impact of professional dispositions, teacher expectations, and classroom climate on effective teaching and learning is a foundational component of each of the three EFE courses as well. During EFE, the teacher candidate's classroom responsibilities increase gradually, beginning with observational tasks, and progressing to instructional delivery of full lessons and multi-week units.

  • Student Teaching during the last semester of the program
    • During Student Teaching, teacher candidates continue working with their Cooperating Teacher, but they gradually assume responsibility for the Cooperating Teacher's full class load. Full takeover should happen no later than the sixth week of Student Teaching, though, in most cases, it happens during the first 3-4 weeks. Candidates must register for 12 credits of EDPR 422: Educational Practice in Secondary Education, and they must receive a grade of "Satisfactory" (S) to meet licensure requirements. For more information about Student Teaching, please consult the Student Teaching handbook.

For more detailed information about hours, requirements, and selection of placements, please click on the headings below to expand each section.