Professional development opportunities

Career workshops

During the last semester of the program (Spring), immediately prior to graduation, Teacher Candidates attend workshops on preparing application materials and practice for job interviews.

Local conferences

Teacher Candidates are encouraged to attend conferences on language teaching for their own professional growth and to connect with other educators. 

  • The Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ICTFL) hosts an annual conference in the Fall. To learn more about ICTFL and their professional development opportunities, visit this page.

  • The Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (CSCTFL) takes place every year around March. To learn more about CSCTFL, visit this page 

National organizations

Being a member of an organization can allow pre- and in-service educators to have access to events, publications, and grants that will help them continue to develop professionally. 

The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) is one of the largest professional organizations in the country, with over 13,000 members. To learn more, visit the ACTFL site.

There are also a number of associations specific to different languages: