Substitute teaching

Interested teacher candidates with an ISBE Substitute License can work in part-time employment positions including substitute teaching outside of their coursework and clinical experience commitments. For more information about the Short-Term Substitute License, please visit this page.

In other words, substitute teaching does not count toward your EFE or Student-Teaching hours. If you choose to obtain the ISBE Substitute License so that you can work as a substitute teacher, that would be an option completely separate from our program. We are not involved in hiring, supervising, endorsing, or evaluating substitute teachers. The substitute employment relationship is directly between the school (employer) and the candidate (employee).

Keep in mind that Student-Teaching is a full-time commitment. If you decide to work as a substitute teacher, and it ends up affecting your work as a student-teacher, you might risk not graduating on time or getting your teaching license. It is a decision that should not be made lightly!