Student Teaching is a culminating experience which is often identified as the most important part of a Teacher Education program. Because Student Teaching is the time of transitioning from pre-service to in-service teaching, professional behaviors, conduct, and actions are required. UIUC pre-service Teacher Candidates are obligated to know the school district and building policies and to observe them throughout the entire Student Teaching experience.
STUDENT TEACHING IS A FULL-TIME COMMITMENT! As a result, Student Teachers may not take additional coursework outside of the FLTE program during clinical practice nor should they plan to be employed. Prospective Student Teachers who anticipate the need to take additional coursework and/or work during the semester of Student Teaching should discuss this with their advisor and the FLTE Program Director prior to registering for any coursework or setting a work schedule.
FLTE pre-service Teacher Candidates should consult with their University Supervisor and/or the FLTE Program Director regarding questions, concerns, or additional clarification of the following and all expectations.
The following CoTE expectations apply to all UIUC Student-Teachers. Also, all UIUC Student-Teachers must comply with any other program-defined policies in addition to these listed below. In this document, the word "student" refers to P-12 learners. The terms "Teacher Candidate" and "Student-Teacher" are used synonymously.
UIUC Teacher Candidates...
- ...must treat all students, Cooperating Teachers, school personnel, Professional Education Preparation and FLTE program personnel with respect.
- ...must maintain the confidentiality of school-related experiences pertaining to school personnel, fellow Candidates, classroom students, records, charts, and cumulative folder data in both oral and written communications.
- ...must follow the dress code, whether written or unwritten, of the school. Dress with taste and appropriateness, which means avoiding apparel such as tank tops, low cut blouses or tops that expose cleavage, low riding slacks/pants, and jeans with holes. Appropriate dress also includes covering tattoos as well as removing studs from the tongue, cheek, or nose.
- ...must be on time every day to school every day for the full term of the Student Teaching course.
- ...must follow the school's calendar regarding holidays, in-service/professional development programs and activities, parent-teacher conferences, and daily start/end times. The school district calendar takes precedence over the UIUC calendar.
- ...must abide by, and enforce rules against possession and consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and chemical substances.
- ...must refrain from any type of romantic or sexual relationship or inappropriate behavior with students and/or other school personnel.
- ...must follow, abide by, and enforce policies governing any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, reference to gender or sexual orientation or other physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature.
- ...must follow the school district's anti-harassment policy.
- ...must follow the school district's policies for reporting concerns and observations regarding abuse, and know the signs and roles of educators in recognizing and reporting cases of child harassment/abuse which includes physical, emotional, sexual, and/or neglect.
- ...must follow school policy and procedures for how to assist students who require medicine.
...must keep an accurate record of the time you spend in teaching and other professional activities during Student Teaching. Time reporting is an official requirement for licensure and must be submitted online each week via the "Student Portal" of the CoTE website
...must follow and enforce the school district's policies for Internet Safety and analog or digital photographs/visual images of students. These images will not be used in commercial products or sold to the public. A note on appropriate internet behavior: Be aware of your online presence (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media sites). Review and remove inappropriate photos and text as needed. Aside from appearing unprofessional, inappropriate postings could jeopardize future job prospects. Remember that your passwords are your personal property; school administrators and/or employers cannot compel you to provide access to them as a condition of your placement or [future] employment.
- MUST NOT administer corporal punishment nor serve as a witness to such. According to the 2002 Illinois School Code, Section ILCS 5/24-24, teachers may not engage in slapping, paddling or prolonged maintenance of students in physically painful positions, and/or in intentional infliction of bodily harm.
- MUST NOT transport students in private vehicles.
- MUST NOT transport students to and from school-sanctioned activities in school vehicles.
- MUST NOT serve as the certified substitute teacher in the classroom. However, it is appropriate for a Student-Teacher to be in charge of the Cooperating Teacher's classroom in the presence of the official substitute teacher. Please inform the University Supervisor and the Director of FLTE if this becomes an issue.
The following are CoTE common requirements for UIUC teacher Candidates during their Student Teaching experience. Candidates must comply with all other program-defined responsibilities in addition to these listed below.
UIUC teacher candidates must:
- comply with all of the expectations of the Council on Teacher Education (CoTE) during Student Teaching.
- satisfactorily meet expectations of the CoTE Common Student Teaching Evaluation form.
- be familiar with the UIUC Conceptual Framework, Teaching and Learning in a Diverse Society, the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards, the Language Arts and Technology Standards for All Illinois Teachers, and appropriate Illinois content area standards.
Student Teaching courses are graded S/U (satisfactory/unsatisfactory), and satisfactory completion of Student Teaching is one of the CoTE requirements for recommendation for licensure. According to CoTE, students must meet the following requirements to earn a Satisfactory grade:
- Receive no lower than a total of 44 on the evaluation and receive no scores of 1 on the Danielson Evaluations submitted by the University Supervisor.
- Complete all record keeping responsibilities, such as but not limited to submitting time reports for approval by cooperating teachers and supervisors.
Occasionally, teacher candidates do not fulfill requirements and receive a grade of "U." Typical reasons for such a grade are the result of the Candidate: a) failing to do what is required throughout the Student Teaching experience, 2) repeatedly exercising poor personal and professional judgment leading to diminished effectiveness, 3) demonstrating poor instructional performance throughout the clinical experience, and/or 4) remaining unable or unwilling to meet the time demands of Student Teaching, including recommendations of the Supervisor.
Remediation of a Candidate's weaknesses must be attempted as soon as the areas of weakness can be identified. Options for the Candidate, such as extra time or an additional experience, are discussed on a case-by-case basis.
For all requirements see the Common Assessment Plan (CAP) for Undergraduate Professional Education Programs Leading to Initial Licensure or Common Assessment Plan (CAP) for Graduate Professional Education Programs Leading to Initial Licensure (http:// www.cote.illinois.ed u / caps).
UIUC Student Teachers are to assume the role of neutral persons and to maintain an uninvolved status with respect to a work stoppage.
UIUC Student Teachers shall not be required to cross picket lines or supervise classes when such action would constitute a breaking of the work stoppage. However, they may, at their discretion, attend teachers' association meetings, faculty meetings, school board meetings, and other gatherings concerning the work stoppage only in the role of an interested observer.
UIUC Student Teachers who chose to participate on either side of the work stoppage shall do so as individuals and not as Student Teachers or any pre-service Candidates from UIUC. The UJUC disclaims any liability or responsibility for any action or the consequences of any action taken by such individuals and their participation.
FLTE Absence Policy
Each Student Teacher has been allotted three personal days to be used for personal illness/family emergency*, professional development or professional conferences, job interviews, or attendance at job fairs. Mandatory FLTE workshops do not count as absences!
In order for absences due to illness or injury to be excused, documentation from a medical office, such as McKinley Student Health Center, is REQUIRED to be submitted to the Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor upon return to the school site. Acceptable documentation
will be written on the medical office’s letterhead stationery. If there are more than three days of absence during Student Teaching, the days must be made up in order to complete Student Teaching and be eligible for licensure.
Any Student Teacher who misses more than five days of Student Teaching will be:
a) unable to remain in their placement*
b) unable to complete the program during Spring 2024 semester*
c) ineligible for licensure until Student Teaching is successfully completed regardless of a passing grade on the edTPA.*
*Unless a plan has been discussed and approved by the FLTE Director prior to Student Teaching or a COVID-related extended absence occurs while following the policy of the school/school district.
Student Teachers will follow the COVID protocol of the school or school district in which they are placed. COVID-related absences will be taken from the three personal days. For a COVID-related absence, the Student Teacher must submit to the FLTE Director an email with the following information:
- The symptoms being experienced
- The district policy regarding COVID
- The directive from the school/school district. For this, the Student Teacher must first contact the district’s Human Resource department to find out what the next steps are.
- Date of absence and date of return to placement
- A copy of a COVID test result with time and date performed (if required by school/school district)
Extended absences due to COVID will be treated on a case-by-case basis.
Further Absence and Attendance Information
UIUC Teacher Candidates must:
- be on time every day to school every day for the full term of the Student Teaching course.
- inform the Cooperating Teacher when the University Supervisor and/or other professionals are scheduled to make a classroom visit.
- follow the school’s calendar regarding holidays, in-service/professional development programs and activities, parent-teacher conferences, and daily start/end times. The school district calendar takes precedence over the UIUC calendar.
- notify their current Cooperating Teacher and the University Supervisor in case of illness or emergency. Make sure to report the absence to the US on the same day as your absence!
- provide instructional materials and lesson plans that will be needed to teach that day’s lessons.
- make up missed Student Teaching days. If absences exceed four, the Teacher Candidate will be removed from her/his placement and clinical experience will end.
In the case of an absence, excused or not, the teacher candidate must notify...
- ...the Cooperating Teacher BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY. The student-teacher must make sure that all lesson plans and materials are at the school for the Cooperating Teacher to use by the start of the school day.
- ...the University Supervisor, especially if it is a day of planned observation, and make arrangements for rescheduling.
If the Student-Teacher misses more than 5 days of Student Teaching, the student will be removed from the placement and clinical experience will end. The student will be unable to complete the program during that semester and will be ineligible for licensure until Student Teaching is successfully completed regardless a passing score on the edTPA.
Working with your Cooperating Teacher, you will agree on a take-over schedule. You will assume gradual responsibility for the Cooperating Teacher's full class load, starting with the class where you will teach your edTPA lessons and continuing until you take over her/his full load. Full takeover should happen no later than the sixth week of Student Teaching. In most cases, it happens during the first 3-4 weeks.
You should develop your lesson plans and instructional activities fully in order to ensure that students achieve the desired learning outcomes. Your lesson planning and delivery should reflect thorough knowledge of your content area and pedagogy.
During full take-over, your Cooperating Teacher or a qualified substitute teacher will be in the classroom with you. You cannot serve as the substitute teacher.
Be sure to maintain open communication with your Cooperating Teacher. Inform them ahead of time when your Supervisor and/or other professionals are scheduled to make a classroom visit.
You will follow your Cooperating Teacher (CT)'s daily work schedule, including start/end times, attendance at professional meetings, and all non-instructional duties, such as lunchroom supervision, study hall, or bus duty. You are required to be at your placement school for the full professional day, including regular class days, parent-teacher conference days, and institute days.
You should also...
- ...attend professional meetings designed for new teachers if your building or district requires its Student Teachers to participate in these professional development activities.
- ...participate in an extra-curricular activity of your choice. The activity or club does not have to pertain to World Languages, so think about your interests and skills to find any activity you will enjoy. Some past popular ECAs have included sports teams, Student Council, cheerleading, & working with the prom committee. Embrace this requirement as this type of experience is particularly attractive to employers!
Removal from Student Teaching can occur by request of the Cooperating Teacher, the University Supervisor, school district officials, including the building Principal, District Superintendent, Curriculum Coordinator, or the Director of Human Resources. Student Teachers should share classroom concerns/problems with their University Supervisor as the first line of communication. If a satisfactory resolution is not reached, the issue will be referred to the FLTE Program Director. Removal can also occur due to, but not limited to, excessive absences, inappropriate behavior, and/or failure to meet course/program requirements.
Candidates who are removed from Student Teaching will NOT be placed at another school site. Removal from Student Teaching will result in the student being unable to complete the program during that semester and will be ineligible for licensure until Student Teaching is successfully completed regardless a passing score on the edTPA.
Over the course of your Student Teaching, a University Supervisor will visit the class a minimum of five times to observe and discuss the Student-Teacher's performance. The Supervisor will also schedule midterm and final conferences with the Student-Teacher and the Cooperating Teacher.
The Student-Teacher must...
- ...notify the Cooperating Teacher prior to each of the University Supervisor's scheduled visits.
- ...provide an advance copy of the lesson plan and instructional materials, including assessments, to the University Supervisor to use during the planned observation.
Note: other FLTE program personnel may also make unannounced visits at any time during your Student Teaching, so you should always have your lesson plans at hand.
After each scheduled observation visit, Student-Teachers will also need time to meet with their Supervisor for a post-observation conference. It is the responsibility of the Student Teacher to coordinate conferencing times and locations for post-observation conferences.