Licensure requirements


To obtain a K-12 teaching license in Illinois, you must:

  • Fulfill all requirements specific to each program (e.g., credit hours, content test, proficiency test, etc.).
  • Earn a grade of grades of C- or higher on all coursework in the content and professional education areas.  Coursework with a grade lower than C- cannot be used to meet licensure requirements. This applies to subsequent endorsements and/or approvals as well.  For graduate students, this includes undergraduate courses used toward meeting program requirements.
  • Receive a grade of "S" (Satisfactory) on EDPR 422, which is student-teaching. For more information, please consult the Student-Teaching Handbook.
  • Receive a passing score of 35 or higher on the edTPA (Teacher Performance Assessment), which is designed to determine a Teacher Candidate’s ability to plan and deliver instruction, and ensure effectiveness through an analysis of their own teaching. For additional details about the edTPA, including timelines and costs, please visit the edTPA page. Please note: No other performance assessment or written test is accepted in lieu of the edTPA assessment.

Applying for licensure

Licensure is NOT automatic. You must apply through the Council on Teacher Education. You should submit your application at the beginning of the semester in which you will complete requirements. The application for licensure can be found on your student portal on the Council on Teacher Education website. For more information, visit the Licensure FAQ page of CoTE.