
The EdTPA is not a paper/pencil or computer-based test, but rather an electronic portfolio constructed by the Teacher Candidate during Student Teaching. It may not be undertaken before then.

Please note: for the 2021-2022 Academic Year, the EdTPA requirement has been waived due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is designed to demonstrate her/his ability to deliver instruction and be effective in the classroom by reviewing her/his actual lesson plans, videotaped teaching samples, student work samples, tests/quizzes constructed by the Teacher Candidate, and responses to questions about key aspects of teaching & learning. According to the edTPA World Language Assessment Handbook, the purpose of the edTPA is to: “…measure novice teachers’ readiness to teach world language. The assessment is designed with a focus on student learning and principles from research and theory. It is based on findings that successful teachers...

  • ...develop knowledge of subject matter and content standards (i.e., ACTFL World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages and ACTFL/CAEP Program Standards for the Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers)
  • ...develop and apply knowledge of varied students’ needs
  • ...consider research and theory about how students learn
  • ...reflect on and analyze evidence of the effects of instruction on student learning

The World Language assessment itself will require candidates to complete the following three tasks:

  • Task 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment
  • Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning
  • Task 3: Assessing Student Learning

A score of 35 is currently the minimum passing score (out of 65 total points). Scores are reported within 3 weeks of submission of the edTPA electronic portfolio. Each portfolio is scored individually on a range from 1-5. There is no minimum score for individual rubrics, but Teacher Candidates should aim to achieve a score of 3-4 on each to ensure they earn the minimum cut score of 35.

For additional information on the edTPA, including costs and deadlines, please visit this page.