03/08/2023 - Congratulations to Laura Furrer, recent FLTE graduate, who was named "Teacher of the Week" by the News-Gazette. Go...
10/19/2022 - Andrea Czart, a teacher candidate in the Foreign Language Teacher Education (FLTE) program, was awarded one of the 2022 College Foreign Language Teaching Major awards from the Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ICTFL). She was recognized on October 15th in Naperville, IL, as...
09/28/2022 - When you think about teaching as a profession, a few images probably come to mind: classrooms, chalkboards, maybe an apple. While a lot of important work happens in that classroom setting, some of the most meaningful learning experiences – for both students and teachers – happen outside of it....
08/01/2022 - Congratulations to Jan Balan, a member of FLTE Cohort 2021-2022 and recent graduate of the FLTE program. Ms. Balan received a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to Spain for the 2022-23 academic year. Fulbright award grants are offered by the U.S. government to students based on academic...